[macOS] Preferences - General
To open your preferences, click your avatar at the bottom left of the Tuple popover and select Settings from the dropdown:
You can also use the keyboard shortcut cmd + , . This will bring up the menu:
Select Light mode, Dark mode, or tell Tuple to pick up your system preferences.
Launch Tuple at login
When this feature is enabled, Tuple will automatically launch when you log into your computer after a restart or explicit logout. Note that it will not launch if your computer is merely locked or asleep.
Enable call feedback popup
When this feature is enabled, the call feedback form will show up after you conclude a Tuple call.
Show my friends who I'm pairing with
If selected, people you and your pair both know will be able to see your call's participants in their contact list. You can learn more here.
Report call statistics
When this setting is on, we get occasional snapshots of the metrics from calls such as frame rate, latency, etc.