
When you first sign up for Tuple, you'll be directed to your dashboard which features the installation information for Tuple. If you ever need to re-download the Tuple app, you can download the app here.


macOS client Installation

After you download and open Tuple, we'll prompt you for access to your microphone, camera, screen, and accessibility tools. Clicking "Ask for Access" for each option (Microphone, Camera, Accessibility, and Screen Recording)  will take you to your System Preferences, where you can grant access:

Request Access

Once your permissions are set up, you'll be prompted to sign in through your web browser:

Sign in

Once signed in on your web browser, you'll see a dialog asking if you'd like to be redirected back to Tuple. It'll look something like this:

Open that link with the Tuple app, and you'll be signed in!

When that's done, you'll see the Tuple icon appear in the menu bar. Go ahead and click it, and you'll be able to share your screen!

Trouble Shooting

Sometimes mac permissions become misconfigured (for example when installing Tuple on a new laptop restored from a previous backup). 

If you are having trouble giving permissions to Tuple, you can try running the following commands in terminal to reset permissions:

tccutil reset All
defaults delete

Once you have run these commands, please restart Tuple before continuing.

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