Sign In With Google

Tuple gives users the ability to sign up and sign in with Google. Team owners have the ability to configure whether this behavior is allowed, required, or disabled. The setting can be changed in the team settings tab:

Selecting disabled will prevent users from signing in with Google; selecting required will force users to sign in with Google (logging in with email and password will fail with an error message). Selecting allowed lets users choose either Google or email and password as their sign in method.

Note: if a team has SAML enabled, it will take precedence as the preferred log in method.


What happens if I attempt to transfer a user into a team where they don't meet the auth requirements (i.e. if a team requires Google auth, but the user in question hasn't used it)?

The transfer request will be blocked

If a team has auto-join functionality enabled, what will happen if a user signs up but doesn't meet the auth requirements for the team?

The user will be prevented from joining the team.

When a team makes Google auth required, what happens to users who had previously been using email and password?

Existing users are shown an error message when attempting to log in which prompts them to sign in with Google. Users are not logged out from existing sessions.

When a team switches from Google auth being required to just being allowed (or disabled), what happens to users who had previously been using Google auth?

Existing users are shown an error message which prompts them to sign in with an email / password. If they don’t have a password set, they’ll need to go through the reset password flow. Again - users are not logged out from existing sessions.

Can users use Google account to sign up or sign in if the email address is unverified?

No - users must have a verified email on Google in order to use it.

If a user changes the email address associated with a Tuple account, will that automatically update or invalidate the linkage with the associated Google account?

No. Users who change their email address in Tuple do not automatically have their link to their Google account broken. For example, someone could sign up via Google using the email address , then change the address associated with their Tuple account to . In this case, they would still be able to sign in via the Google account . If a different user actually had the Google account , they wouldn't be able to use Google auth until the first user switched their email address back to (or to something else entirely).

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